Elite: Dangerous Blog

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Asp Explorer

Role: Multipurpose

The Asp Explorer is the civilian version of the military model Asp Mk II’s (which first saw service in 2878). Lakon Spaceways now owns the licence to construct these ships and has marketed them heavily at customers looking for their first multi-crewed ships. The ship class has earned a solid reputation for long-range missions and those requiring some discretion.

Asp Explorer: Front Asp Explorer: Side Asp Explorer: Top Asp Explorer: Bottom Asp Explorer: 3D elevation

  Small Medium Large Huge
Hard points 4 2 - -


  Length Width Height
Dimensions 56.5m 51.3m 19.7m

Landing pads

  Core internals Class Base fitting
Power Plant Power Plant 5 5E
Thrusters Thrusters 5 5E
Frame Shift Drive Frame Shift Drive 5 5E
Life support Life Support 4 4E
Power Distributor Power Distributor 4 4E
Sensors Sensors 5 5E
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank 5 5C
Optional internals (Class) Base fitting
6 5E Cargo Rack
5 5E Shield Generator
3 2E Cargo Rack
3 Empty
3 Empty
2 1E Cargo Rack
2 Empty
Thrusters Engine pips Boost Roll Pitch Yaw
A Rated 138 m/s → 288 m/s 391 m/s 115 o/s 44 o/s 12 o/s
B Rated 133 m/s → 276 m/s 376 m/s 111 o/s 42 o/s 11 o/s
C Rated 129  m/s → 269 m/s 366 m/s 108 o/s 41 o/s 11 o/s
D Rated 125 m/s → 260 m/s 354 m/s 104 o/s 40 o/s 10 o/s
E Rated 122 m/s → 254 m/s 345 m/s 102 o/s 39 o/s 10 o/s
Performance statistics are taken from default ship outfitting, changing only thruster rating, with no cargo.
  Base Maximum
Jump range 13.18 LY 35.06 LY
Shields 140 MJ 423 MJ A rated + shield boosters
Armour 378 T 735 T Military + hull reinforcement in military slots
Utility slots 4
Mass lock factor 11
Crew seats 2
Multi crew Yes
Fighter Bays (fighters) [max] none (-)
Cargo [without shields] 128 T
Hull mass 280 T
Pad size Medium
Cost 6,650,520 CR