Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

S9 "Goliath" Skimmer

Role: Surface Skimmer

A very effective solution to your security needs. Using four surface thrusters this armoured and well-armed skimmer is the most effective on the market. Its greater cost means it is generally only used by military clients, and use is not permitted in some jurisdictions given their offensive abilities.

S9 Goliath Skimmer: Front S9 Goliath Skimmer: Side S9 Goliath Skimmer: Top S9 Goliath Skimmer: Bottom S9 Goliath Skimmer: 3D

  Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Hard points 2 0 0 0 0


  Length Width Height
Dimensions 17m 19.2m 6m

Landing pads

Thrusters Engine pips Boost Yaw Pitch Roll
as fitted 30 m/s - - - -
All figures take from base layout with each thruster rating
  Base Maximum
Jump range Not FSD capable n/a
Shields 14MJ n/a
Armour 0 n/a
Utility slots 0
Mass lock factor 0
Crew seats 0
Multi crew 0
Fighter Bays [max] 0
Cargo [without shields] 0T
Hull mass 20T