Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Zorgon Peterson added to Codex

I've added all the Zorogon Peterson ships to the Vehicle Codex this morning. Adder, Fer-De-Lance, Hauler and Mamba.

Hauler blueprint

This is the blueprint of the Zorgon Peterson Hauler. The first real trade ship any commander owns. With big cargo capacity and a decent jump range, it's main weakness is being armed with only one hard-point.

First introduced in version 0.1 Gamma 2.

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of www.elitedangerous.de for German translations. Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of www.elite-dangerous.fr for French translations.

English Version 1920x1080 4096x2305

Deutsche Version 1920x1080 4096x2305

Version Française 1920x1080 4096x2305