Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy


Role: Multipurpose

The Anaconda is the pride of Faulcon deLacy's shipyards. The design was first manufactured in 2856 by RimLiner Galactic. After numerous mergers the template was eventually owned by Faulcon deLacy, who have made only minor changes to the classic design. The Anaconda is a versatile craft that can transport large cargos as well as pack a decent punch. Some smaller navies use the Anaconda in the light cruiser and frigate roles. The Anaconda can also be upgraded with a docking bay allowing small fighters up to Sidewinder-size to be carried and launched.

Anaconda: Front Anaconda: Side Anaconda: Top Anaconda: Bottom Anaconda: 3D elevation

  Small Medium Large Huge
Hard points 2 2 3 1


  Length Width Height
Dimensions 152.4m 61.8m 31m

Landing pads

  Core internals Class Base fitting
Power Plant Power Plant 8 8E
Thrusters Thrusters 7 7E
Frame Shift Drive Frame Shift Drive 6 6E
Life support Life Support 5 5E
Power Distributor Power Distributor 8 8E
Sensors Sensors 8 8E
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank 5 5C
Optional internals Base fitting
Class 7 6E Cargo Rack
Class 6 5E Cargo Rack
Class 6 6E Shield Generator
Class 6 Empty
Class 5 4E Cargo Rack
Class 5 Empty
Class 5 Empty
Class 5 Empty [MILITARY]
Class 4 Empty
Class 4 Empty
Class 4 Empty
Class 2 1E Cargo Rack
Thrusters Engine pips Boost Roll Pitch Yaw
A Rated 93m/s → 208m/s 278m/s 69o/s 29o/s 12o/s
B Rated 89m/s → 199m/s 266m/s 66o/s 28o/s 11o/s
C Rated 86m/s → 194m/s 259m/s 65o/s 27o/s 11o/s
D Rated 84m/s → 188m/s 251m/s 63o/s 26o/s 10o/s
E Rated 81m/s → 183m/s 144m/s 61o/s 25o/s 10o/s
Performance statistics are taken from default ship outfitting, changing only thruster rating, with no cargo.
  Base Maximum
Jump range 9.43LY 38.27LY
Shields 350MJ 1547MJ A rated + shield boosters
Armour 945T 2228T Military + hull reinforcement in military slots
Utility slots 8
Mass lock factor 23
Crew seats 3
Multi crew Yes
Fighter Bays (fighters) [max] 2 (15)
Cargo [without shields] 468T
Hull mass 400T
Pad size Large
Cost 146,402,444CR