Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Roger Reddit, What's Your Vector Victor?

After my blueprints update of last week I have had a LOT of requests for vector versions.

I am happy to do this, I only ask that my blog be credited wherever you use them. I'm also giving them all to http://edassets.org so they'll be available to the wider Elite:Dangerous community.


I expect to see lots of illustrated user-guides and a bunch of wacky T-Shirts at Frontier Expo.

  Craft SVG PNG
Scarab SRV PNG Bitmap
F63 Condor Federal Fighter PNG Bitmap
GU-97 Imperial fighter PNG Bitmap
Taipan Independent Fighter PNG Bitmap
Sidewinder PNG Bitmap
Eagle Mk II PNG Bitmap
Hauler PNG Bitmap
Adder PNG Bitmap
Dolphin PNG Bitmap
Imperial Eagle PNG Bitmap
Viper MK III PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk III PNG Bitmap
Viper Mk IV PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Scout PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk IV PNG Bitmap
Type 6 Transporter PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Explorer PNG Bitmap
Imperial Courier PNG Bitmap
Keelback PNG Bitmap
Asp Scout PNG Bitmap
Vulture PNG Bitmap
Asp Explorer PNG Bitmap
Federal Dropship PNG Bitmap
Type 7 Transporter PNG Bitmap
Federal Assault Ship PNG Bitmap
Imperial Clipper PNG Bitmap
Federal Gunship PNG Bitmap
Orca PNG Bitmap
Fer De Lance PNG Bitmap
Python PNG Bitmap
Type 9 Heavy PNG Bitmap
Beluga Liner PNG Bitmap
Anaconda PNG Bitmap
Federal Corvette PNG Bitmap
Imperial Cutter PNG Bitmap
Majestic Class Interdictor PNG Bitmap
Farragut Battle Cruiser PNG Bitmap