Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

GU97 Imperial Fighter blueprint

This blueprint is of the Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial Fighter. A short-range fighter favoured by the Empire's navy.

First introduced in version 1.5 as the third ship for CQC (after the Condor and Sidewinder) - added to main game as ship-launched fighter in version 2.2.

Taipan Short Range Fighter blueprint

This bueprint is of the Lakon Spaceways Taipan, known as the "Independant Fighter".

First introduced in version 2.2 for Guardians update - added to main game as ship-launched fighter, but no news on if it will be added to CQC/Arena.

F63 Condor short range fighter blueprint

I decided, since I was going to have to draw every ship, I might as well do a ship-per-blueprint document first, then a combined document later.

That way I can set myself a realistic goal of "a wallpaper per day"!

Here is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics F63 Condor short range fighter.

First introduced in version 1.4 for CQC - added to main game as ship-launched fighter in version 2.2.