Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Powerplay Beta - short video


I've put together a montage of video clips from my play testing of Powerplay Beta.

There's not any coverage of the new politics stuff - I'm not a political animal. It's docking computers, ships and mining. Oh, and Tom Baker. Sorry, but he's awesome.

I was using the "Midnight" Voice Attack voice pack.

Yes Dave, everybody is dead

holly_thumbFor those of you who loved Red Dwarf, there’s some good news.

http://www.elitedangerousvoicepack.com/ have made a VoiceAttack voice pack for Elite: Dangerous called “Leo” voiced by Red Dwarf’s very own Norman Lovett, the voice of the ships computer “Holly”.

The pack costs £5.99 and is available to pre-order now and should be on sale shortly.

See the video of Norman’s recording session here