Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

GU-97 Imperial Fighter

Role: Short Range Fighter

The Empire’s small class single man fighter is as famous for its agility as it is for its short range. If you see one of these then you know something bigger is lurking nearby. The GU-97 Imperial Fighter is incredibly manoeuvrable, but lacking the same level of protection as other small fighters.

GU-97: Front GU-97: Side GU-97: Top GU-97: Bottom GU-97: 3D

  Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Hard points 2 0 0 0 0


  Length Width Height
Dimensions 6.5m 14.9m 2.2m

Landing pads

Thrusters Engine pips Boost Yaw Pitch Roll
as fitted 240 m/s → 312 m/s 540 m/s 36 o/s 78 o/s 144 o/s
All figures take from base layout with each thruster rating
  Base Maximum
Jump range No fitted with FSD
Shields 15MJ not adjustable
Armour 15 not adjustable
Utility slots 1
Mass lock factor 0
Crew seats 1
Multi crew 0
Fighter Bays [max] 0
Cargo [without shields] 0T
Hull mass unknown
Pad size SLF Bay
Cost 15,270 CR