Elite: Dangerous Blog

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Elite ship sizes to scale for all ships post Horizons launch

conda_blueprintWith the release of the 1.5 Ships update, Elite has had an additional five ships added to the game and the previous scale diagram I'd done was was both outdated and missing several keys ships - so especially for you, I have re-drawn the whole thing using all new graphics and the most up-to-date size information.

The diagram uses a scale of 1 pixel to 1 metre.

Credit goes to Mat Ricardo (Prefim on Reddit) for creating the ship renders.

UPDATE: Now with more capital ship goodness! Thanks to ElitePvE group Mobius for helping me hunt down the Imperial Capital Ship.

The ship sizes are taken from here

Comments (3) -

  • Cirim

    8/26/2016 4:01:09 PM | Reply

    Great jorb!

  • CMDR Sgt Barnes75

    8/26/2016 4:01:24 PM | Reply

    Great job really nice. I always thought the Fed Corvette was the biggest ship not the cutter. Nice to see the comparison.

  • CMDR Chris Fovulonkiin

    8/26/2016 4:01:54 PM | Reply

    You're doing an awesome job here. This is a great overview and good source for this kind of information!
    Thank you ;]

    See you in the void, fellow AMBR o7

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