So how does the Dolphin fit? Well it's size gives it a volume of 9,481.5m3, so it is between the Adder and Cobra Mk 3 on a small landing pad.

After threatening to get it done, here it is at last! in and 4k

This is the culmination of a months work on the blueprint project, so feel free to print and re-distribute the image and PDF, but I would ask that you leave the site name on my work. Thank you.

Right-click on the picture above and click "Save Image As..."
You can also download the PDF here ship-size-comparison.pdf (7.94 mb)
This is the blueprint for the Gutamaya Imperial Cutter.
This ship requires the Imperial Navy rank of Duke for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.5 Ships expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Corvette. The superheavy fighter and armed to the teeth, it's the ship you don't want to find on your tail. Also available in black.
This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Rear Admiral for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.5 Ships expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda. Excellent trader, handy in a fight and if the loadout is right, the longest range exploration ship you can own.
First introduced in version 0.1 Alpha 4.

This is the bluprint for the Lakon Spaceways Type-9 Heavy. The only ship with a manoeuvrability rating of zero, the super-size freighter and foremost mining ship, the Type-9 is the cow of space.
First introduced in version 0.1 Alpha 4.

This is the blueprint for the Faulcon DeLacy Python. My personal favourite. Tough, flexible and capable. The perfect ship, can go anywhere, good jump range, loads of cargo space and handles ships way above it's weight class.
First introduced in version 0.1 Beta 3.