For the various brochures, charts and illustrations I've drawn in the last two years there are a number of Elite: Dangerous corporate logos I've needed to draw. Following a request for logo vectors on Twitter, I'd thought I would publish those I've done already.
Company |
Logo |
Vector |
Achilles Robotics |
achilles-robotics.svg (12.80 kb)
Brewer Corporation |
brewer.svg (3.06 kb)
Caine-Massey |
caine-massey.svg (3.77 kb)
Core Dynamics |
core-dynamics.svg (13.63 kb)
Faulcon Delacy |
faulcon-delacy.svg (7.02 kb)
Gutamaya |
gutamaya.svg (196.85 kb)
Lakon |
lakon.svg (33.20 kb)
Remlock |
remlock.svg (6.39 kb)
Saud Kruger |
saud-kruger.svg (59.78 kb)
Vodel |
vodel.svg (3.72 kb)
Zorgon Peterson |
zorgon-peterson.svg (9.76 kb)
This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Corvette. The superheavy fighter and armed to the teeth, it's the ship you don't want to find on your tail. Also available in black.
This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Rear Admiral for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.5 Ships expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Gunship. Slower and less agile than its sister-ships, the gunship makes up for it in fire power. With seven hard-points it's the most heavily armed ship this size of an Anaconda.
This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Ensign for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.4 the CQC expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship. Agile, tough and deadly this is the choice of many a bounty hunter.
This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Chief Petty Officer for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.4 the CQC expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Dropship. The dropship is a workhorse military transport. Far from agile, it is well armed and tough.
This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Midshipman for a player to purchase it in the game.
First introduced in version 1.1 Community Goals expansion.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Vulture. The Vulture is the attack-dog of space, far tougher than any ship of it's size and while as large as a type-6 transporter, the Vulture is almost as agile as an Eagle; plus with two large weapon hard-points it packs a hell of a punch! With the Federal Assault Ship and Fer De Lance, this ship is the third alpha predator of the Elite: Dangerous universe.
First introduced in version 1.2 for the Wings expansion.

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of for German translations. Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of for French translations.
English Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Deutsche Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Version Française 1920x1080 4096x2305
This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Farragut Battle Cruiser. The biggest captial ship and know to take pot-shots at stattions now and again.
First introduced in 0.1 Alpha.

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Eagle Mk II combat craft. A favourite of feds everywhere and a pre-order bonus in the Elite: Dangerous "Mercenary Pack" back in 2014 with some green ship skins and a cool skull decal.
First introduced in version 0.1 Alpha 4.

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of for German translations. Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of for French translations. Thanks to CMDR Nyra, with the help of CMDR Kimanuel and CMDR XPi2, from Corsarios de Heimdal for Spanish translations.
English Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Deutsche Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Version Française 1920x1080 4096x2305
Version en Español 1920x1080 4096x2305
The Vulture is here! The heavy fighter we've been promised and it's very different.
For a start it has "only" two weapon hard points.
It's the size of a Lakon 6 but as nippy as a Cobra and kicks like a horse.
The first thing you notice about the Vulture is the engine sound. If a cement mixer lorry barrel ran on an electric motor and span at 100mph, it would sound like a Vulture’s engine.
The cockpit is small and the pilot sits at the front alone. Very much like the Federal Dropship, there are steps back into the ship to your right and the co-pilot sits on a second level behind and above the pilot’s left.
On the Oculus rift, you can see down through the glass to ground below the ship’s nose.
When I first took off, I expected it to be heavy, a brawler like the Python. Not so. It leapt off the pad and thundered out into space.

From Dalton Gateway, I jumped to the next system, as this was faster than the 100,000 Ls trip to the Nav Point. The ship is very responsive and manoeuvres like a Cobra. With the two Class 3 hard points set up with C3 Beams I was burning through small ships like Eagles and Sidewinders in seconds - shields or not!
Larger ships like Pythons and Anacondas were taken down easily without resorting to shield cells. NPC's are easier than human opponents, but even so, this is one tough cookie!
Nothing official yet, but generally the base ship costs the same as military grade bulkheads, which in this case cost 19.7M credits.

The good news is that the Class 4 FSD tops out at the 1.6M A rated and the shields and thrusters are Class 5, which tops out at 5M, so the total upgrades are far cheaper than something like a Python or Clipper.
I had a go with an alternative layout using 1 3C Beam and a smart missile rack. Fish in a barrel! Melt their shields, hit 'em with a missile or two and collect the bounty!