One of the things about Elite: Dangerous is that it is constantly changing. And while that's great for players, for me, it presents a problem.
All the statistics and layouts of the ships keep changing. Creating definitive sets of blueprints & datasheets etc. is a constantly-moving target. With restrictions on my time (this blog is a hobby) mean I don't have the game time to rack up enough credits to buy the ships I need to draw and document (Alliance Crusader at the moment). Harder still, is getting ship launched fighters that require considerable game-time to unlock. These things make getting the statistics pretty difficult in the first place. But I am getting there!
I have in the past had various text files, spreadsheets etc. which contain data collected from many sources; much of it dating back to 2016. In pursuit of the information to complete (as much as possible) my Vehicle Codex, I am performing a complete refresh of all this data. Checking old data and obtaining new. You can see the "missing" or "unconfirmed" values on the partial screenshot below.

When I have collated and collected all the data, I intend to re-publish the full set of blueprints with the latest statistics. This will bring them up to date and match the datasheets created for the Vehicle Codex.
As you can see from the draft sample below, I will be including all hard-points and utility slots numbered in the top down order in outfitting.

I have also put in a request to Frontier to ask for definitive ship dimensions. I currently use a system of sizing that has proven to be accurate and if not "right" then it is at least consistent. Being able to say "I have it from Frontier" would help dismiss the "you got it wrong" posts.
Update: I asked Frontier for dimensions and they declined. Will Flanagan replied to my request; Hello Anthony, unfortunately we're not able to provide you with ship sizes.
I haven't had the time in game to unlock more than one of the Guardian ship launched fighters. Last night CMDR Ranualf assisted me, as he HAS unlocked all of them, in getting the screenshots and statistical data I needed to complete the blueprint.

Using the screenshots, I got the ship schematic drawn and incorporated it into the new blueprint template.

I have now added pages for the three Saud Kruger Passenger vessels; the Dolphin, Orca and Beluga Liner - largest flyable ship in the game currently!
I've added all the Zorogon Peterson ships to the Vehicle Codex this morning. Adder, Fer-De-Lance, Hauler and Mamba.
This is what I do with my free time.
First draft of the Mamba Blueprint and Datasheet for the Vehicle Codex. Hope you like them.