I've added all the Zorogon Peterson ships to the Vehicle Codex this morning. Adder, Fer-De-Lance, Hauler and Mamba.
This blueprint is of the Zorgon Peterson Adder.
First introduced in version 1.0.

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of www.elitedangerous.de for German translations. Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of www.elite-dangerous.fr for French translations.
English Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Deutsche Version 1920x1080 4096x2305
Version Française 1920x1080 4096x2305
You sir, are in my space!
I popped into Ballandin Gateway yesterday evening and took my Fer-de-lance into the outfitting to swap some internals around.
When I surfaced, I came face to face with an Adder, in my spot. And I quite literally mean “in” it – his ship was embedded in the nose of my FDL!
I have no idea what happened, but I guess he was inbound to my pad when I returned to the surface. Is this an example of failed A.I. or a warts-and-all simulation of real like parking issues?

We exchanged insurance details and my paint work has been subsequently repaired. Although I’m sure that someone has “keyed” the side of my Anaconda…