This blueprint is of the Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial Fighter. A short-range fighter favoured by the Empire's navy.
First introduced in version 1.5 as the third ship for CQC (after the Condor and Sidewinder) - added to main game as ship-launched fighter in version 2.2.

This bueprint is of the Lakon Spaceways Taipan, known as the "Independant Fighter".
First introduced in version 2.2 for Guardians update - added to main game as ship-launched fighter, but no news on if it will be added to CQC/Arena.

I decided, since I was going to have to draw every ship, I might as well do a ship-per-blueprint document first, then a combined document later.
That way I can set myself a realistic goal of "a wallpaper per day"!
Here is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics F63 Condor short range fighter.
First introduced in version 1.4 for CQC - added to main game as ship-launched fighter in version 2.2.